The workshop will be the 1st edition of the "International Scientific Conferences of European Surveyors",organizedbyEGoS - European GroupofSurveyors.
FIG Commission 3 (spatial information management) and 8 (spatial planning and development) together with EGOS cordially invite you to attend the conference.
The organization by this important European Association of Surveyors will make it possible to address bothprofessional and academic issues of great interest and relevant themes in view of contemporary developments.
Two days packed withworkshops and meetings will certainly be a great opportunity to meet with your peers in the field of land management and planning to discuss thelatestthemes and developments.
The theme of the workshop"Spatial information and planning in a world facing multiple crises - a surveyors' perspective"builds on the research carried out in previous years and illustrates new aspects of Voluntary Geographic Information and the role of geospatial information in the challenges we face, such as climate change, international conflicts, pandemic, and sustainable development. We therefore invite you to participate and share, in this moment of "multiple crises", how the management of spatial information contributes to further development, especially in relation to the ways in which the geographical and territorial data are collected, elaborate and distributed.
Today, climate change, extreme weather phenomena and the loss of biodiversity are risks and occupy the first three places on the list of threats to sectors of the global economy and to the well-being of populations. Also, we are still in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and face the impact of the war in Ukraine (food security and scarcity of electricity, gas and oil).
All this has triggered a serious impact in all countries in Europe, leading inevitably to further economic, social and environmental challenges.
The urgent need to improve the habitat to better deal with multiple crises leads governments to support more strongly the interventions to protect the environment and the territory.
But what are the design models and the scientific contribution that academics and professional surveyors can offer to be decisive for overcoming these crises?
Academics and professional surveyors are called upon to illustrate their research, knowledge and practical cases of information management, urban, social and environmental transformation.
These are all big questions to answer, and we cordially invite you to submit your contribution. For this reason, we provide for you a list of keywords 'including, but not limited to’ on which we welcome your presentation:
The workshop will offer the opportunity to delegates and speakers to present their research and share their experiences, together with the prevention of distortions resulting from unequal digital and ecological transitions worldwide.
If you have a paper that addresses the theme of the conference in anyway, please submit it at the Joint Workshop of FIG Commissions 3 and 8, Athens, Greece.
The detailed program will be sent and published online as soon as the papers will be chosen.
PLEASE COMMUNICATE IN ADVANCE, BY SHOWING YOUR INTERESTTO PARTICIPATE IN THIS WORKSHOP, BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO EGOS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can download the entire brochure here:
You can download the registration form for delegates here: