Maintain the high-level education for engineers!

VDV position to bachelor- and master degrees
Verband Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure e.V. (VDV)
(Association for German Engineers for Surveying)

The education for engineers has to impart qualifications which correspond with the needs of the profession in future. The economical and technical circumstances for engineers have to be taken into consideration. VDV recognizes the chances in future to reach quality, transparency and comparison within the new courses of studies along the Bologna-process. VDV also sees the upcoming problems in the times of change from the conventional to the new grades and which are leading people to feel insecure. As there are: insecure acceptance of the new grades by the job market, unclear designation of education and grade as well as percental restricted accreditation for consecutive master degree courses.


The Malta Institution of Surveyors (MIoS), together with the Malta Association for Geographical Information (MAGI) and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – Malta (RICS Malta) are organising an INSPIRE Seminar on the EU Directive

The INSPIRE directive aims to bring together data and services through a Spatial Data Infrastructure. INSPIRE will impact the Geographic Information (GI) industry at all levels in all of the European Community. INSPIRE will affect everybody producing, using and sharing spatial data in Malta and Europe.

EGoS General Meeting and Workshop in Czech Republic

First General Meeting and Workshop of 2007 was held in Czech Republic - Prague, 29th and 30th June 2007

EGoS General Meeting and Workshop in Istanbul Turkey

Second General Meeting and Workshop of 2007 was held in Istanbul Turkey in 23rd and 24th November 2007. The both event were held in Divan Hotel Istanbul.